Once an individual is looking into obtaining their CDL license, many students ask themselves “what are the different types of Routes or jobs that I can do?” With this question being asked so often, it made sense to go in depth about the different avenues of driving jobs a cdl truck driver can go in their career. There are 3 common types of truck driving jobs available (Local, Regional and Over the Road OTR).
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Local Truck Drivers
As a local Driver, you are making multiple routes a day to different locations and usually stay within a 250-mile radius roughly. Distances for routes are much shorter than OTR routes, and you’re home every night.
Pro’s are that you normally start your day in the morning and you’re at home each night in your own bed. You have consistent routes and typically spend less hours behind the wheel at a time.
Con’s are that you typically earn less pay than other jobs available. For some companies, you will be required to load and un-load your own freight throughout the day making your job physically demanding. You may also be required to work very long days starting early in the morning and not getting home until the later in the evening.
Regional Truck Driver
Regional Drivers make it home weekly and stay out a few days at a time. These types of drivers are usually pulling for carriers that have dedicated routes for their clients. It is very common to be driving within specified areas as a Regional Driver.
Pro’s are that you live within your region so that allows you to get more home time generally. Regional drivers typically really like that they have the freedom to be gone a 3-5 days per week but are still close to home. It is very common to get “No Touch Freight” in this position, basically your job is to deliver the trailer and pick up a new trailer, this is call “Drop and Hook”. Salary is also typically higher than Local Driver positions.
Con’s can be that you are required a really quick turnaround and timelines on your loads being delivered. Your salary may be dependent on the loads that you are carrying. We recommend that you always have in-depth conversations with a company’s recruiting department to make sure the job is a fit for you.
Over The Road (OTR)
Over the Road, also known as OTR is a truck driver that drives long distances across the country. It is common for OTR truckers to spend a week + on the road and home for only a few days a month.
Pro’s are that you get to see many parts of the country and pay is typically higher than other avenues. You will get paid time off because you are required 34 hours of rest for every 70 hours you have worked. Usually, this position is no touch freight. You are not allowed to exceed 11 hours per day.
Con’s is the home time although there is tons of drivers that prefer to keep rolling and making these higher wages if they are going to be a truck driver. You will work long hours and it can be difficult on your body not getting up and moving around because of the long periods of sitting.
Trucking is a vital piece to the American economy and consumer needs. These are only a few avenues a Driver can go in their career. If you are interested in learning more, American Truck Training can always help answer any questions. Call any of our reps and they will be happy to discuss with you (405) 254-5556.